Jeron Manlutac

Client Manager

Jeron Manlutac

Jeron was born in Guagua, Philippines, and has extensive work experience as an accountant and bookkeeper, with a track record of more than five years in the field.

As an accountant, his passion revolves around assisting businesses in their growth endeavors by providing them with accurate financial information for informed decision-making. He firmly holds the belief that accurate financial information is vital for the success of any business.

At Hensley CPA Firm, he is looking forward to continuing to support businesses in achieving their financial objectives. He firmly believes that every business should have access to precise financial information, and he is committed to ensuring that his clients are well informed about their financial status.

Outside of his professional commitments, he indulges in watching movies and cherishing quality time with his family and friends. He is dedicated to being a loving husband and proud father to his adorable baby girl.